Python Programming
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Python stands tall as a powerful and multi-faceted language, empowering developers to create innovative solutions across diverse domains. Its beginner-friendly nature, vast application range, and supportive community make it an excellent choice for aspiring and seasoned programmers alike. This Course provides detailed overview of python programming and its libraries , Machine learning , Deep Learning and Powerful BI tools such as Tableau and PowerBI. After completion of this course student will be able to do work as Software engineer, Data Scientist, Data Analyst.
1. Introduction to python programming
1. Introduction to python programming
2. Data Types in Python
2. Data Types in Python
3. Operators in Python
4.Python Conditional Statement
4.Python Conditional Statement
7. Functions in python
5. Python looping Statement
8. File handling
6. Python Sequence
9. Exception Handling
7. Functions in python
10. Regular expression
9. Exception Handling
11. Web Scrapping
12. OOps
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